
I have been missing because college is fucking insane and I've also been swinging in and out my mania and depression more lately. In bike news: My body is getting much more used to it and my legs are getting stronger. I've lasted longer on rides now without a single break, or taking less than three. I once went so fast down the hill connecting to the riverside bikeway I need enough to almost go flying over the wall barrier right into car traffic. Somehow I stopped myself in time and didn't get hurt at all then kept going. And I had my first few almost crashes when people are being dickheads trying to pass too fast or slowling down ahead suddenly. But I take each incident as a learning experience and nothing actually bad has happened. It's worth it for the feel and the thrill when you have the wind behind you. And obviously it's saving my ass money. Because my mom insisted I finally caved and ordered a full face helmet; if I'm gonna be forced to wear some shit then no half measures. And also pedestrians. The fucking pedestrians. STAY OUT OF THE DESIGNATED LANES FOR WHEELS! THERE'S LITERALLY SIGNS TELLING YOU TO!

I'm also back into Shin Megami Tensei checking out what else from it to play. I'm already running Nocturne on emulator and got past Forneus. He went down in less than five turns he's such a bitch. It's so much fun and really not that hard yet. Demi-Fiend is COOL. I really wanna play the updated vesion of V when it comes to PC whenever I can afford that. There's also IV and Strange Journey/SJ: Redux which are making me seriously consider a 3DS after so many years lmao. There's the music too which I can't get enough of; just today I loaded my ipod with more tracks. For music in general I'm all over the place as usual but I'm really into Cupcakke and Cupcakke remixes, plus looking more into Jodeci and Miriam Makeba. There's also 'The Way' by Jill Scott but I don't often listen to her as much, I find her a little hit or miss. It's like boa's Twilight vs Get There; the former is a masterpiece where everything is better than the last and the latter is mostly good but you still have to pick the great songs out from stuff you just aren't feeling.

Oh and also Square Enix put out the FFXIV Dawntrail benchmark tech demo for us all to download. It's a fucking SHITSHOW!!!!! The new graphics system has terrible lighting where everyone looks sickly sweaty and shiny like wax dolls, they told us in an earlier press conference that they'd be keeping the original faces for character models as they were and ONLY porting them over as close as possible to the new version just with texture upgrades. WHAT THEY'VE DONE INSTEAD is go in and resculpt every face's unique features and changed them so now everyone looks completely different save for a handful of features that seem relatively untouched. My characters don't look like what I made anymore; now they're all lumpy potato heads with cheekbones and chins and facial structures sanded down or pinched. AND THE SKIN!! Skin looks like dogshit. Black people look like grey corpses now, brown people are grand canyon sediment pink, and white people are pasty curdled milk shade. Hairstyles clip on the character's heads. Facial hair is so light it looks nonexistent or like dirt on the face of light hair characters. Au Ra scales have artifacting/pixel bleed on their edges and the main area of the scale textures themselves are blurry resolution. It's fucking disgusting!!! I might quit the game over this if they don't address it; they already have the audacity to release this tech demo as is when the game is out in July with early access in June. There's no feasible time to make the changes that need to be made. I'm not fucking buying Dawntrail until they fix this that's for damn sure. I'm making a video of how fucked my characters are now to post and add onto the complaining in the official forums. What's good is the JP players are complaining too and VERY angry, so SE might listen.

And lastly KyoAni is back with Hibike! Euphonium S3 which is HYPE. I'm so fucking happy for it and just two episodes in it's gonna be so fucking good I don't care what anyone says. The writing, the editing, the acting, the animation, it's masterclass. I didn't think I'd ever see Kumiko and Gang again after the KyoAni fire but I'm so happy they're back I cried a little. Fuck the guy who killed those 33 people in the fire I'm glad they gave him death penalty. Between this, the Dungeon Meshi adaptation, and getting into Lycoris Recoil I slowly have some shit to watch again.

And fuck the US for not voting in Palestine as a fully recognized legitimate state, fuck you fuck you fuck you die Western imperialism and I hope the West will all burn to the fucking ground soon. Really I think the best course of action is to destroy the entire fucking human race but if we can't have that we can have empires in ruins so the world can breathe.

Now I'm off to my spring break before school is virtually over then it's summer classes. Then it's fall. Then hopefully I'm fucking outta here and on to my Graphic Design degree.